Connect2Joy Podcast

How Do You Know???

Carol DeChaine Season 4 Episode 4

If you need to make a decision or a choice – how do you decide? How do you know??? Do you side with your emotions, your logic, your intuition or your spiritual connection? Or maybe you talk to others to get their opinions? Most of us use a combination of these, but once you know exactly the way you get that knowingness, you have a choice to try other ways to see if you get clearer answers on your path, in your decisions and in your interactions with others. And what do blocks look like to your knowingness? Join your host, Carol DeChaine as she pulls apart what each type of process looks like so you can move forward in a more productive and delightful way.

In this episode we’ll look at:  

  • Using others as a sounding board  (2:16)
  • Using your intellect to know  (4:51)
  • Using emotion to know  (6:30)
  • Using your intuition or your spiritual connection to know  (8:05)
  • Removing any blocks to making those choices and decisions  (13:27)
  • And knowingness  (16:42)
  • Summary and Wrap Up  (17:38)

Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

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Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
Voiceover-Robert Rossmann