Connect2Joy Podcast

Need More Love in Your Life??

Carol DeChaine Season 3 Episode 24

Do you feel unloved or unlovable? Do you feel worthy and deserving of love? If you don’t, is it time for you to change that? And if you do, but still don’t have love in your life; love from a significant other, love of family or friends; then what do you need to change to attract that love? In this episode your host, Carol DeChaine, gives you exercises on how to draw love to you; love of self and love of others. The Law of Attraction works whether we use it for or what we would consider, against ourselves. Let’s make it work for us, attracting love into our lives in many shapes and forms, so that our lives bring us joy.

If you go about loving yourself more and pour out love onto the world from a higher vibration, which won’t exhaust or deplete you, then the Law of Attraction will kick into being in a way that’s beneficial to you instead of working against you, which means that the kind of love you want – that higher more unconditional type – will be yours. You’ll be surprised just how many people with love to give will come into your life. And you’ll love yourself more too.  Just remember that you deserve it

In this episode:  

  • How love makes us feel and why we want it  (1:35)
  • Human love vs. unconditional love  (3:25)
  • Love of self and how to attract that kind of love  (5:08)
  • A guided meditation for loving yourself  (8:07)
  • Love of others and how to attract that kind of love  (13:18)
  • A guided meditation to attract love of others  (16:00)
  • 6 - I AM Affirmations about being loveable and attracting love  (19:57)
  • Summary and Wrap Up  (23:12)

Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

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Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
Voiceover-Robert Rossmann