Connect2Joy Podcast

How to Have More Common Sense

Carol DeChaine Season 3 Episode 20

Have you wondered whatever happened to common sense? Common sense can help us through lots of situations. Decisions on what to wear, what to buy or how to act or react. Our choices can be ruled by anything, but common sense can help us make our lives a better place. We can make better decisions from the smallest thing all the way to our love life, our careers and our life purpose. If you or someone you know doesn’t take the time to work with common sense, this show is for you. Your host, Carol DeChaine not only talks about what happened to common sense, but the effects of not using it in your life, as well as 10 ways to reactivate your common sense. Using common sense can get you around a lot of the pitfalls that might be out there because ultimately, we all want our lives to be happy and fulfilling.

In this episode:  

  • What common sense is  (1:48)
  • When we should use it  (3:42)
  • Why common sense isn’t common anymore  (4:49)
  • The effect on others when we don’t use it  (7:19)
  • 10 ways to activate your common sense if it doesn’t seem to be working  (8:08)
  • 6 affirmations to adjust your subconscious beliefs  (16:25)
  • Summary and Wrap Up  (18:44)

Host Carol DeChaine is an intuitive spiritual guide for practical matters; a certified spiritual, life and business coach, and Marconic multidimensional energy lightworker. Email Carol directly at to schedule a free 30 minute get to know you session or to ask about life coaching, Marconic energy, energy space clearing or intuitive readings. She is also available for workshops and motivational speaking.

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Music-Rainbow After Rain by Pavel Yudin
Voiceover-Robert Rossmann